Tuesday 4 June 2013

Google Glass Demilsified

Weareable  device are now becoming more and more popular ex. sony smart watch.Google glass is smart glass which  gives all the features of a smartphone,desktop computer just through our vision .Google glass works on the principle of augmented reality .Augmented reality is the ability to project the surrounding environment with map or any other symbol etc. Augmented reality differs from virtual reality .Virtual reality  replaces the real world with stimulated world but augmentation is  just adding semantic context to the environment element  augmentation makes us more interactive to the environment. One of the cool features about google glass is it augments the real world with the help of our vision.

Google glass consist of:

  • cpu with gps 
  • projector & lense
  • camera
  • mic
  • battery 

cpu and gps:

cpu is used to drive the entire google glass by generating control signals  the input for the cpu is given through several sensors for ex: a temperature sensor is used to give input about the temperature  and the cpu is used to generate corresponding output google glass also consist of a Global Positioning System(gps) it gives details about the our location via a satellite.

projector & lense:

projector and lens are one of the important element of the google glass projector helps to augments the real world with layers the layers are semantic context that must be generated by the cpu or gps . The layers are projected to the prism  and the prism sends the visible light via the lense  to the environment .This is how the layers are projected to the real world.


The google glass is embeded with a camera the we can take photos and videos whenever we want .if we want to take a pic we can take a pic we can can say to the glass to take this pic and the pic will be take and we can store in memory .


The mic makes the google say more interactive it informs the user about the output generated by the cpu via voice it makes the google  glass very very user friendly

Features of google glass:

  • Say "take a picture" to take a picture
  • Record what u see hands free
  • We can share what we record
  • We can ask what is in our mind(ex.what is the meaning of love)
  • We can also get directions

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