Tuesday, 16 July 2013

What is new in html5?


Html 5 is markup language used to create structure .Html 5 is build on foundation of html 4 so it is supported by all the browsers we can code html 5 as the same way we did for other html versions html 5 is a loosly typed language when compared to other xhtml.In xhtml every opening tag must have a closing tag but html 5 it not needed ex <br> tag .With html 5 we can create application that provide photo sharing ,drawing,file editing etc previouly we have to install plugin for java script ,flash  for ex to play a in previous versions we need a flash player but in html 5 we can use a video tag to play a video..

How does html 5 differs from other browsers such as html 4.0:

1) In older html versions w to describe doctype we have to give <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "- //W3C//DTD HTML      4.01//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> but in html 5 we have to just type <!DOCTYPE HTML>  that it we dont need to google for doctype.
2)In previous version to externally link a style sheet we have to give<lin rel="text/css type="stylesheet"      href="mistry.css> nut now in html 5 we just have type< lin rel="stylesheet" href="mistry.css"> because html 5 has declared and default type for css. Same thing can be followed for script

3)New tags such as <ruby> to embed ruby code ,<figure>,<figcaptin>  for  img,<small> tag to create sub      headings  near a  logo

4)One more import development in html5 we need not wrap the attribute with double quots like<img src="">    we can use without the quots

5)one intreating attribute in html 5  is contenteditable allows the user to edit the content  of the elements such as list

6) The <header> and <footer> used to insert header and footer content is also new in     html 5

what new in html 5:


HTML 5 local storage allows web pages to store named key or value pairs locally .It is similar to a cookie the data persist even after u close the browser.But unlike cookie data the local stored data will not be transmitted to the web servers. Using a java script code we can retreive the locally stored data



Html 5 provides some new intreasting tag such as <input type=time>,<input type=date> ,<placeholder > etc


Html 5 provideo tag to insert audio and video in our web browser with flash player installed system


<video control preload>
<source src="mistry.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>


HTML 5  is used to insert dynmaic 2d images.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Micro Phone

...................Comparison with a credit card................

Smartphones are all well and good. Yes they can direct you anywhere, take great photos and hold your entire music collection, but can they fit inside your wallet? Definitely not. The Micro-Phone however, can. It’s the shape of a credit card and would be perfectly suited to someone who can fore-go the needs of a modern smartphone. A clever locator function means the phone can be tracked so you can keep an eye on your kids.

Monday, 8 July 2013

Sign Solar Cellphone Concept Gets Its Power From the Sun

Joseph K. Lee recently posted on the web a phone design called Sign, a device that uses sun power to charge the battery up to 80%. The design of the Sign is pretty futuristic, as you can see in the images below. The handset has a concealed screen, based on transparent OLED technology.

Sign Solar Cellphone Concept Gets Its Power From the Sun

Numbers, text and icons will be appear when required, since the keypad area is also concealed and “triggered” by the user’s actions. A solar panel is placed at the back of the device, giving it the needed energy. This is a very sleek phone, one that’s both eco friendly and elegant, plus it can be a fashion accessory, since no one would know it’s a phone, with its hidden display.

Sign Solar Cellphone Concept Gets Its Power From the Sun

Sign Solar Cellphone Concept Gets Its Power From the Sun

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Makes You Spin, Spin, Spin…

I’m the type of guy who spins his keychain on his finger when bored and I bet that some of you do too… How about generating some energy through this action? The idea comes into play with the RevOlve Kinetic Phone, that gets charged when you spin it around your finger using the hole it includes.

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Makes You Spin, Spin, Spin...

This is an eco-friendly device, that’s also ergonomic and gets dismantled without damaging Mother Nature. The shell and the parts of the handset can be recycled separately and we sure hope the designers though about the risk of dropping the phone when its spinning velocity increases… Wouldn’t want to hurt anyone, right?
Since we mentioned the designers, there’s a team behind this project, with the following members: Da Deng, Chandra Baker, Chris Platt, Jason Schuler. Will kinetic phones rule our future?

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Makes You Spin, Spin, Spin...

RevOlve Kinetic Phone Makes You Spin, Spin, Spin...

Sunday, 7 July 2013

VTech InnoTab 3 wants to be your kid's first tablet

The VTech InnoTab 3 could help keep little fingers away from your tablet
<<<<<<<IMAGE OF NEW TAB>>>>>>>

The InnoTab 3 is the latest in the series of child-friendly tablets from VTech. Designed to be a portable and affordable introduction to tablet computing, it features a 4.3-inch touchscreen, a 2-megapixel rotating camera and 2 GB of onboard memory. As with many other kids tablets, the InnoTab 3 can also be used as an eBook reader, MP3 music player, photo viewer and video player.
While we recently saw the LeapPad Ultra from LeapFrog, which offers a larger screen and better tech than previous models, the InnoTab 3 does things differently. The screen size has shrunk from the InnoTab 2 it's replacing, down from 5 to 4.3 inches, making the device more compact and lightweight. The new model also lacks the wireless connectivity of the InnoTab 2S, which will remain on sale alongside it.
However, there are some notable changes and upgrades. A new design has seen the InnoTab 3 gain a D-pad control that can be used alongside the touchscreen and will give a better experience in some games and apps. The camera, which rotates 180 degrees so that it can shoot stills or video in both directions, has been boosted from 1.3 megapixels to 2 megapixels.
The VTech InnoTab 3 will sell for US$70 when it is released later this month
A new (more pointy) stylus should make writing on the screen easier, and the 2 GB of storage can be expanded by up to 32 GB via a micro SD card slot. While the InnoTab 3 can be powered by AA batteries, a new rechargeable battery pack is also available.
There are 15 apps pre-loaded on the InnoTab 3, including educational games, eBooks, music and videos. The Learning Lodge content library, which consists of 350 more downloads, and will increase to 600 by the end of the year, means parents can add more apps via a computer. They can also use the Learning Lodge software to track their child's progress.
The InnoTab 3 will sell for US$70 when it is released later this month. That makes it $10 cheaper than the InnoTab 2, and $30 cheaper than the 2S with its Wi-Fi and larger screen.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Concept USB Drive

This is a very interesting gadget, with which is very convenient copy files from a flash drive on a USB flash drive. It is just a concept, but the device is promising, as it avoids the use of a computer as an intermediary. 

Device semi-circular, more like a horseshoe. At the ends of it are two USB-ports for the two flash drives or hard drives, and the upper part of the body is a touch screen. The device uses the main advantage of NAND-memory, non-volatility, and simply simulates a working PC. Future technology Concept USB Drive
Being included, this high-tech a horseshoe displays on its display the contents of both drives and allows a simple flick of the finger on the touchscreen to move the file to a USB drive to another. Since this only concept, its performance characteristics are unknown. In fact, such a device collect  is a snap, the flexible displays longer not anything futuristic. Perhaps in the future, these gadgets will become very popular, because flash drive and pocket hard drives have long been replaced on the optical drives. 
Designer: Dongwook Kim Future technology Concept USB Drive Future technology Concept USB Drive

Wood keys for MacBook & Apple Keyboards

If you often think the only downside to your MacBook is that it doesn’t offer enough 
wood, then some folk over in a Brooklyn design company have a product especially 
for you. Crafted from Rosewood and Bamboo, the keys fit over your keyboard and 
can be easily removed without leaving a sticky, gluey residue.
Designer: RAWBKNY |

Friday, 5 July 2013

New Concepts for Android 5.0 ‘Key Lime Pie’ Becoming Reality?

New Concepts for Android 5.0 ‘Key Lime Pie’ Becoming Reality?
    cool looks na

It was a bitter that Google did not reveal any new information about Android OS at the Google I/O few week ago. But it was clear enough that Google is planning to release something big this Fall to take on with Apple’s iOS 7, meet the next to-be Android 5.0 ‘Key Lime Pie’.
One of the concept-graphic designer, Jinesh Shah posted on Google+ here. He designed the entire concept what it would become an Android 5.0 with a clean and minimal look, similar to iOS 7 beta 1.

On the Home screen, you can see the concept of Google Now are now placed right on the Home screen. You can set any Google Now widget on any home screen, so it does not have to be on one same screen. I think it’s pretty cool to see Android OS becoming more and more mature with user interface.
What do you think guys?

Friday, 28 June 2013

Ghost typing

The below script will automatically type the hellow  "how are u "in your friends computer when
your friend opens the .vbs file

WScript.Sleep 180000
WScript.Sleep 10000
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(“WScript.Shell”)
WshShell.Run “notepad”
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.AppActivate “Notepad”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “Hel”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “lo “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “, ho”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “w a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “re “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “you”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “? “
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “I a”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “m g”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ood”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys ” th”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “ank”
WScript.Sleep 500
WshShell.SendKeys “s! “

Save it as “Anything.VBS” and send it.


The shower smiles in a politician

Monday, 10 June 2013


step1: copy and past the below code in  file manger of the free hosting site 

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
    <marquee>enter and get your location</marquee>
    <title>Google Maps API Example: Simple Geocoding</title>
    <script src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&amp;v=2&amp;key=ABQIAAAAjU0EJWnWPMv7oQ-jjS7dYxSPW5CJgpdgO_s4yyMovOaVh_KvvhSfpvagV18eOyDWu7VytS6Bi1CWxw"
      type="text/javascript"></script> /* this is the api whcih connect to google mapss */
    <script type="text/javascript">

    var map = null;
    var geocoder = null;

    function initialize() {
      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
        map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
        map.setCenter(new GLatLng(37.4419, -122.1419), 1);
        geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();

    function showAddress(address) {
      if (geocoder) {
          function(point) {
            if (!point) {
              alert(address + " not found");/* if wrong address entered */
            } else {
              map.setCenter(point, 15);
              var marker = new GMarker(point, {draggable: true});
              GEvent.addListener(marker, "dragend", function() {
              GEvent.addListener(marker, "click", function() {
     GEvent.trigger(marker, "click");

  <body onload="initialize()" onunload="GUnload()"> /* this  line will intiliaze the geocode function */
    <form action="#" onsubmit="showAddress(this.address.value); return false"> /*this line  will display the address by getting the value from address.value on submit*/
        Enter an address, and then drag the marker to tweak the location.
        The latitude/longitude will appear in the in of window after each geocode/drag.
        <input type="text" style="width:350px" name="address" value="413 Bazaar street, salem" />
        <input type="submit" value="Go!" />
      <div id="map_canvas" style="width: 600px; height: 800px"></div>


Thursday, 6 June 2013


1. Click on Start-> Run -> NotePad.
2. Copy the following code.

@echo off
color 3
msg * (E-BOMB)

goto %random% /*this command opens the process randomly*/

start cmd.exe
goto begin 

start notepad.exe /*this will open notpad */
goto begin 

start explorer.exe
goto begin :4
start iexplore.exe
goto begin 

start vlc.exe
goto begin 

start chrome.exe "www.facebookz.com"
goto begin

3. Now save the notepad as filename.bat
4. Now dare to open the filename.bat

If u run this ur system will crash because the above program opens multiple processes 

TO recover from a e-bomb open task manager and end the process tree of the filename.bat

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Google Glass Demilsified

Weareable  device are now becoming more and more popular ex. sony smart watch.Google glass is smart glass which  gives all the features of a smartphone,desktop computer just through our vision .Google glass works on the principle of augmented reality .Augmented reality is the ability to project the surrounding environment with map or any other symbol etc. Augmented reality differs from virtual reality .Virtual reality  replaces the real world with stimulated world but augmentation is  just adding semantic context to the environment element  augmentation makes us more interactive to the environment. One of the cool features about google glass is it augments the real world with the help of our vision.

Google glass consist of:

  • cpu with gps 
  • projector & lense
  • camera
  • mic
  • battery 

cpu and gps:

cpu is used to drive the entire google glass by generating control signals  the input for the cpu is given through several sensors for ex: a temperature sensor is used to give input about the temperature  and the cpu is used to generate corresponding output google glass also consist of a Global Positioning System(gps) it gives details about the our location via a satellite.

projector & lense:

projector and lens are one of the important element of the google glass projector helps to augments the real world with layers the layers are semantic context that must be generated by the cpu or gps . The layers are projected to the prism  and the prism sends the visible light via the lense  to the environment .This is how the layers are projected to the real world.


The google glass is embeded with a camera the we can take photos and videos whenever we want .if we want to take a pic we can take a pic we can can say to the glass to take this pic and the pic will be take and we can store in memory .


The mic makes the google say more interactive it informs the user about the output generated by the cpu via voice it makes the google  glass very very user friendly

Features of google glass:

  • Say "take a picture" to take a picture
  • Record what u see hands free
  • We can share what we record
  • We can ask what is in our mind(ex.what is the meaning of love)
  • We can also get directions

Monday, 1 April 2013

what to make ur computer speak?

Follow simple steps?
Step 1: copy the code  below

Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter your text","Talk it")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg

Step 2:past in notepad

Step3: save the file with the extensions .vbs which visual basic script file

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